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SkipMax Products

Power Profile

Member Price: $9.00
Description: Due to popular demand, we now have the Power Profile Search. This search will provide current and historical information on a Consumer Subject which will include:

SSN Verifier, DOB, Aliases, Address History, Neighbors, Possible Roommates, Possible Relatives, Other Occupants from Address, Phone Numbers from Address, Cell Phones from Address, Possible E-mail Addresses, Fictitious Business Names, Other Names from E-mail, E-mails from Address, High-Risk Address Check, Incident Logs, Death Index, Voter Registrations, Corporate Records, Business Affiliations, Businesses from Address, Bankruptcies, Civil Judgments, Tax Liens, Evictions, Aircraft Ownership, Real Property Ownership, Property Ownership by Address, Internet Domain Registrations.

Additional add on searches include: Criminal Records, Arrests, Warrants, Sex offender, Vehicles. ( For an additional fee )


Coverage: United States

SSN Verifier

Member Price: $0.75

People Search

Member Price: $1.00
Description: The people searches can be run in several ways. The SSN is the best way to conduct this search, which runs through Credit Bureau Records and 22 other private and public databases for the most complete people search available in the industry. Results may include but not guaranteed: current name, alias names, middle name or initial, current and historical addresses dating back over 20 years, current and previous phone information including cell phones and non-pub numbers, DOB, or YOB, Times reported to data provider, Current or previous Employer, Date of ssn issuance, reported Deseased.

Coverage: United States

Telephone Search

Member Price: $1.00
Description: Phone searches are run through 10 databases including credit bureaus, private lists and public records and may include unlisted and cell phone numbers. This information is updated daily.

Coverage: United States, all 50 States.

First Name & DOB

Member Price: $1.00
Description: This search uses the same databases as the people search but can possibly locate persons whom have changed their name or women who have married.

Coverage: United States all 50 States.

Possible Relatives

Member Price: $1.00
Description: This search returns possible relatives based on the search subjects reported addresses to the three major credit bureaus as well as proprietary data sources. The search will return subjects that have the same last name(s) at any of the addresses associated to the subject. The information runs based on the people search results or as a standalone search.

Coverage: United States, all 50 States

Possible Roommates

Member Price: $1.00
Description: This search returns possible roommates based on the search subjects reported addresses to the three major credit bureaus as well as proprietary data sources. The search will return subjects that have been reported at any of the addresses associated to the subject. The information runs based on the people search results or as a standalone search.

Coverage: United States, all 50 States

Death Index Search

Member Price: $1.00
Description: This search will validate the SSN's owner, issue dates, DOB and aliases associated with the SSN. The search uses the Social Security Administrations Master Death Index. The results include information that has been reported in the Death Index as well as the date the death was reported and the Date of Death.

Coverage: United States, all 50 States

Bankruptcy Records

Member Price: $1.00
Description: This search runs through all Federal Bankruptcy courts and can be conducted using the SSN, name and state or business name. Information returned provides a variety of information, which may include debtor name & address, additional debtors, file numbers and dates, court locations, assets & liability amounts & type of bankruptcy and the attorney for the petitioner.

Coverage: United States: all Federal District Bankruptcy Courts.

Tax Lien Records

Member Price: $1.00
Description: This search can be conducted using the Name of an Individual, SSN or Business Name and retrieves State or Federal tax lien information. Data updates vary based on population. Larger cities may be updated weekly while rural areas may only be updated annually.

Coverage: States covered include: AK, AR, AZ, CA, CO, FL, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MN, MO, MS, ND, NE, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, TX, UT, WA, WI, WY

Civil Judgments

Member Price: $1.00
Description: This search can be conducted using the Name of an Individual, SSN or Business Name and retrieves Civil Judgment information. Data updates vary based on population. Larger cities may be updated weekly while rural areas may only be updated annually.

Coverage: States covered include: AK, AR, AZ, CA, CO, FL, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MN, MO, MS, ND, NE, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, TX, UT, WA, WI, WY

Eviction Records

Member Price: $1.00
Description: The National Eviction Record Search is a comprehensive search against a national database of evictions (updated from public record information including eviction filings as well as possession and money judgments for every Metropolitan Area in the U.S., representing 80% of the population). The search is not limited to addresses provided by the applicant, but also includes undisclosed address information.


Property Records

Member Price: $1.00
Description: The Real Property database provides information on County Tax Assessor records. Information includes the taxable value of a property and possibly the market and/or appraised property values, as well as owners, and addresses and postal addresses.

Coverage: United States, Sporadic - in all 50 States

Professional Licenses

Member Price: $1.00
Description: This search is performed from various states Professional License databases and the information returned varies from each jurisdiction, but may include: Type of Occupation or License, Date of Issue, Length of issue. School or test requirements met, sanctions, etc.

Coverage: United States - Not all states or jurisdictions are covered.

E-People Search

Member Price: $1.00
Description: This search runs through list services, registrations, social network sites to locate email address based on different search criteria options and may also provide registered web sites and URLs associated based on the search criteria.

Coverage: Internet, Worldwide

Corporate Records

Member Price: $1.00
Description: This search can be searched by Individual or Business Name and returns information derived from the Secretary of State in each state. Information returned varies by state but may include the company name and formation type, date of formation, officers of corporation, tax I.D number, date of dissolution, date of creation, annual reports and sanctions from the state.

Coverage: United States, all states with the exception of Wyoming and Delaware


Member Price: $1.00
Description: Search is used to obtain a tax ID for a Company, Corporation, Non-Profit Organization or Trust. The information is provided from various public and private sources whom store and gaiter the information. We make no guarantees of the accuracy or inclusion of the results.

Coverage: Nationwide.

National Sex Offenders

Member Price: $1.00
Description: This is a search of the Sex Offenders Registration Database, records are updated monthly. We do not make any guarantees as to the validity of the records and should only be used as a reference and verified by the source.

Coverage: National U.S. Only.


Member Price: $1.00
Description: OFAC is the Office of Foreign Asset Control, part of the U.S. Department of Treasury. OFAC is responsible for administering and enforcing economic and trade sanctions against certain nations, entities and individuals. OFAC maintains a listing of these restricted counter parties in a document called the "Specially Designated Nationals List". Updated Weekly.

Coverage: The OFAC List - World Wide

Statewide Criminal

Member Price: $3.00
Description: This search enables you to search statewide for records from the National Database listed above. We do not make any guarantees as to the validity of the records and should only be used as a reference and verified by the source.

Coverage: Complete Coverage

National Warrants

Member Price: $3.00
Description: This is a Non-inclusive search of reported current and historical Wants and Warrants. This is a non-inclusive search of participating Law Enforcement Agencies. We do not make any guarantees as to the validity of the records and should only be used as a reference and verified by the source.

Coverage: Non-Defined and speratic.

National Arrests

Member Price: $3.00
Description: This is a Non-Inclusive search of reported current and historical Arrest Records. This is a non-inclusive search of participating Law Enforcement Agencies. We do not make any guarantees as to the validity of the records and should only be used as a reference and verified by the source.

Coverage: Non-Defined and Speratic.

Reverse Phone

Member Price: $3.00
Description: This search enables you to retrieve ownership information by cell phone number.

Asset Map Search

Member Price: $3.00

Cell Phone Directory

Member Price: $3.00
Description: This search enables you to search for a cell phone number by name, city state and street, by zipcode and lastname or retrieve ownership information by cell phone number.

National Criminal

Member Price: $5.00
Description: Our Criminal Record Database has been years in development and offers records from varies state DOC, Association of Courts and County Courts, The information is compatible if not better to many competing databases but at a much lower price. We do not make any guarantees as to the validity of the records and should only be used as a reference and verified by the source.

Coverage: Complete Coverage

Motor Vehicle

Member Price: $5.00
Description: Vehicle Records available Instant in the following states, criteria used to search can be tag and state, name and address or vin number. This is a database search updated weekly by the Following State DMVs

Coverage: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine,, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan , Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska,, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming

Coverage Unavailable: California, Hawaii, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Virginia

On-Site Motor Vehicle Ownership Search from DMV

Price: Varies By State
Description: The Vehicle Searches are hand searched with 44 states DMV, provides information on vehicle ownership and registration including VIN, TAG Vehicle Description etc. as recorded by state DMV's. Pricing and Turnaround

Hand Searched Phone Searches

Price: $45.00 to $195.00
Description: Cost & TAT

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